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Package Actions

Package Actions enables different package export options, possibility to clone a package or delete a package.

See also:


Package actions can be found inside each package:

Export package

Package can be exported in JSON-format. There are multiple options for package export:

Export package SQL

Export whole contents of a package in SQL:

Select desired DBMS product for SQL dialect:

Export package CSV

Export whole contents of a package in CSV format:

Select desired DBMS product for CSV export:

Clone package

Clone package and its contents:

Cloning can be done with Clone or Deep clone option:

Delete package

Delete package and its contents:

Deletion will prompt confirmation on whether package will be deleted or not:


Cloned package is named like the original one but with a suffix "_CLONE_TIMESTAMP" e.g.


With deep clone, entity names, load names and entity mappings get a similar suffix.

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