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Load logic template generation support on deployment time

Load logic template generation support on deployment / code preview time.

See also:


Default load logic template(s) have been possible to assign for certain entity type and load type combination. Before 25.0 release and by default still in 25.0 release these default load logic templates are added to the load when new load is created in Designer for the entity type + load type combination.

However there is new setting to be used now (defaulting to false):

  • generateOnDeploy (true/false)

This variable will define whether the default load logic template(s) is to be added physically to the created entity load as entity load steps and entity load options (generateOnDeploy=false) on its creation time or whether the defined default template(s) are to be added/generated at the package deployment (or at the code preview) time (generateOnDeploy=true).


When entity load contains either OVERRIDE or OVERRIDE_FILE_LOAD entity load step, the template originated Entity Load Steps and Entity Load Options will not be included.

When same Entity Load Option is defined both in Entity Load Logic Template AND in Entity Load the Entity Load Option of the Entity Load itself will override the template originated one.

When CONFIG_LOAD_TEMPLATES is modified, the templates with variable generatedOnDeploy = false will not affect existing loads, yet templates with variable generatedOnDeploy = true will affect all the loads matching the entity type and load type when using Code Preview functionality in Designer. When deploying CONFIG_LOAD_TEMPLATES to a runtime, the related entity packages are required to be deployed in order the loads to be generated again with the newest version of the load logic templates.



"entityLoadLogicTemplates": [
      "entityLoadLogicTemplateId": "9f41a20e-c340-4e1a-9cfe-51fecccd600d",
      "templateName": "steps_on_creation"
      "entityLoadLogicTemplateId": "02381d33-5530-485f-b28b-49aea30bb971",
      "templateName": "steps_always"
"entityLoadLogicTemplateLoadSteps": [
      "entityLoadLogicTemplateLoadStepId": "db015e97-3c5b-4a86-860c-34502ab28fa0",
      "entityLoadLogicTemplateId": "9f41a20e-c340-4e1a-9cfe-51fecccd600d",
      "loadStepName": "initial_smoke",
      "position": 1,
      "stepType": "SMOKE_GREY",
      "loadLanguageName": "SQL",
      "textStep": "SELECT 1 FROM <target_schema>.<target_entity_name> WHERE count(*) > 1",
      "readAffectedRows": false,
      "enabled": true
      "entityLoadLogicTemplateLoadStepId": "135d692b-30e7-47d2-835f-090d12ec9d4a",
      "entityLoadLogicTemplateId": "02381d33-5530-485f-b28b-49aea30bb971",
      "loadStepName": "temp_table_creation",
      "position": 1,
      "stepType": "PRE",
      "loadLanguageName": "SQL",
      "textStep": "CREATE TABLE <target_schema>.<target_entity_name>_tmp AS select * from <target_schema>.<target_entity_name> WHERE 1!=1",
      "readAffectedRows": false,
      "enabled": true
"entityTypeEntityLoadTypeEntityLoadLogicTemplates": [
      "entityTypeEntityLoadTypeEntityLoadLogicTemplateId": "b96bd73d-79f6-4b79-843d-219a43223239",
      "entityType": "GENERIC",
      "entityLoadType": "TRANSFORM_PERSIST",
      "entityLoadLogicTemplateId": "9f41a20e-c340-4e1a-9cfe-51fecccd600d",
      "templateOrdinalPosition": 100,
      "isDefault": true,
      "generatedOnDeploy": false
      "entityTypeEntityLoadTypeEntityLoadLogicTemplateId": "cba3e937-14d0-464c-b5a8-5b367c9dab70",
      "entityType": "GENERIC",
      "entityLoadType": "TRANSFORM_PERSIST",
      "entityLoadLogicTemplateId": "02381d33-5530-485f-b28b-49aea30bb971",
      "templateOrdinalPosition": 100,
      "isDefault": true,
      "generatedOnDeploy": true
  1. Creating an Entity of type GENERIC and creating an Entity Load of type TRANSFORM_PERSIST

    1. one Entity Load Step (initial_smoke) will be added on the Entity Load based on the template b96bd73d-79f6-4b79-843d-219a43223239

  2. When generating the load, the load will have automatically three steps:

    1. PRE step (temp_table_creation) - with load step id 101 (step id is templateOrdinalPosition + position)

    2. GENERATED step based on source entity mapping (as no OVERRIDE step was defined) - with load step id 1

    3. SMOKE_GREY step (initial_smoke) - with load step id 2

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