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Setting Up Connectivity

Make sure you have done target database configuration before connection can be set up between ADE and target database.

ADE connection details should be shared with ADE support team. Contact support team during your installation to securely share your connection details and credentials.

Database specific connection details to set up the connection:


Databricks SQL

  • Host

  • Port

  • Database name (the Unity Catalog name)

  • Default schema

  • Warehouse name (httpPath)

  • Username

  • Password

Google BigQuery

  • Project id

  • Service account keys in JSON-format

Azure Synapse SQL

  • Host

  • Database name

  • Default schema

  • Username

  • Password

Azure SQL Database

  • Host

  • Database name

  • Default schema

  • Username

  • Password

Amazon Redshift

  • Host

  • Database name

  • Default schema

  • Username

  • Password

Share database connection details with secure ways, as instructed by ADE support team.

When having multiple Runtime-environments, provide database connection details per Runtime-environment. For example, dev-runtime: Snowflake cloudw_ade_dev -database, username and so on.

Securing connection between ADE and target database

To secure connection between ADE and target databases, utilize the following methods:


  • Allow ADE IPs to your Snowflake account.

Databricks SQL

  • Allow ADE IPs to your Databricks SQL account.

Google BigQuery

  • Utilize VPC service controls to allow ADE IPs.

Azure Synapse SQL

  • Configure Firewall rules in Synapse workspace networking settings to allow ADE IPs.

Azure SQL Database

  • Configure Firewall rules in SQL server networking settings to allow ADE IPs.

Amazon Redshift

  • Utilize AWS Security Groups to allow ADE IPs.

ADE public IP addresses are sent to you by ADE support team.

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