Row-level permissions
Target database: Snowflake, Databricks SQL, Google BigQuery, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse SQL, Amazon Redshift
Row-level permissions are used to manage data access policies on entities in the target database. Available grantees (roles) and row-level policy definitions are managed in CONFIG_ENTITY_PERMISSIONS.
See also:
Select a Row-level policy for the entity under Permissions tab and select the ROLEs to be attached to the policy, in case target database requires this information.
Check Export SQL/Entity SQL after defining permissions to see generated DDL.
Row level policies with their attributes have to be defined in CONFIG_ENTITY_PERMISSIONS before they can be used here. Some databases require also Grantees to be defined beforehand.
Configuration of Row-level permissions explains the setup for supported target databases
Row-level permission handling
Row-level permissions can be given, modified (only the grantee list if being required) and deleted for an entity under the Permissions-tab in Row level permissions - section.
One can verify the behaviour by clicking the Permissions code preview- button.
One can only modify the given grantee list, in case row-level permission requires such.
Row level permission can be removed from the x-button.