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Database Tags

Target database: Snowflake, Databricks SQL, Google BigQuery

Database Tags are used to manage Labels and Policy Tags in target database. Available database tags and their possible values are managed in CONFIG_ENTITY_DEFAULTS.

See also:


Database Tags can be applied on Entity and on Attribute level and they can either contain values or remain without such.


Check Export SQL/Entity SQL after defining database tags to see generated DDL.


Database tags and their possible values have to be defined in CONFIG_ENTITY_DEFAULTS before they can be used here.

Configuration of Database Tags explains the setup for supported target databases

Entity level database tag addition

Database tags set to be available on entity level can be attached on an entity by editing the entity.

Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 12.46.02.png

1. edit the entity and click the “Select database tags” drop-down list

Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 12.46.10.png

2. by choosing the wanted tags (1-N) they appear on top of the drop-down list

Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 12.46.15.png

3. save the entity

Attribute level database tag addition

Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 12.58.40.png

1. Edit the wanted attribute and click the “Select database tags..” drop-down list

Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 12.58.50.png

2. by choosing the wanted tags (1-N) they appear on top of the drop-down list

Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 12.59.09.png

3. save the entity

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